How to Top your Amazon Product Ranking?

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How to Top your Amazon Product Ranking?

If you want to maximize your potential to reach most customers and want to improve your product visibility on Amazon, then it is very vital to understand the product optimization.

A lengthy list of products appear when you search for a keyword on Amazon but only products that show up on the first three pages mostly bring conversions and transactions. As the first largest and most customer centered e-commerce company, Amazon always try to bring the highest quality shopping experience to its 80 million members. With Amazon’s A9 algorithm, Amazon always serve the right products to customers to help them make easy decision in order to make a purchase.

Know and keep in mind that there are three factors that decide your product position. Mentioned below;

  • Relevance
  • Conversion rate
  • Product authority

Read on to get guidelines on how to improve your product ranking in above mentioned areas.


Intensify the importance of product page

Do your best to improve conversion rate

Section I: Intensify the importance of product page

The product importance or relevance to the customer’s search terms is the basic component that will influence your product position. Here are 7 features that you must pay attention to:

  1. Title

Amazon is dissimilar from Google in title optimization. Google wants much simpler titles as compared to Amazon. Amazon cares more about keywords; the more keywords, the better. Amazon provides you with a 200 character limit on your title. So make sure that every term you want your product to rank for is found within those considerations.

  1. Bullet points

It’s way too essential to define key points properly. Each bullet field has a 500 character limit. It’s a great space to list down features, benefits or attributes about the product. But we recommend you to use no more than 250 characters on your bullets as a lot of text can overawe shoppers.

  1. Description

Description is another area where you can increase your keyword targeting, it is basically extension of the bullet point function. Character limit is 2,000 characters hence this place is the best space to give detailed write-up about your product.  Add few extra keywords in your product listing and your product will surely appear in the search results.

  1. Brand and manufacturer

Brand name can be of importance to those shoppers who search for particular brands. You may also add the manufacturing number in the title if the customer search for it too.

  1. Specifications

Product specifications are different from its functions. You must mention technical and physical information about the respective product. This comprises of size, weight, color, production date, technical specifications etc.

  1. Category and sub category

Always make sure to put your products under the right category because many customers also search products by categories, and also Amazon search results are showed in accordance with category range.

      7. URL

URL is an approach for Amazon to define the applicability of the inventory and search.

Here is a tip: Generate a query URL for your product page & keyword = your products + keyword and add this code to the back of the product URL. Next, shorten the link and finally create a URL which can be shared for this link and drive traffic to it.


Section II: Do your best to improve conversion rate

It is a known fact and directly proportional that the higher your conversion rate is, the bigger is possibility for Amazon to mention your products. High conversion rate shows that the product is more probable to fulfill the customer’s demand. Like this, it brings higher interest and conversions to Amazon itself. The points to be noted are as follows;


  1. Sales

It is all about sales and getting more sales! When searching a product on Amazon, you will see the products with highest sale always on the first page. Sales is the most significant aspect of Amazon SEO because it’s simple. The more goods you sell, the more money Amazon makes in the process.

  1. Customer reviews

The most crucial part is the number of reviews a product has. When customers plan to purchase a product, they want to know about a product so they will always like to see what others have reviewed about it. Hence, you need to get more reviews, especially when submitting a new listing. You can mention your products to your target potential customers through emails to generate more sales and reviews.

  1. Questions & answers

Somehow, it is really important to answer the queries related to listings due to its capability to make an impact on the conversion rate. If you do not get back to the queries, it may point out that you are not aware of the product or that you are not bothered or concerned to care about your customers’ requests.

  1. Image

The size and quality of the image also plays an important role. Customers will be uninterested if they see a picture that is not of adequate size and not clear, hence, a large and clear image is a plus.

  1. Price

Always consider and it is very important to set a competitive price.

  1. Variant products

Many sellers create multiple listing for different features of the product. In reality, this is not a good idea. Instead use Amazon multi-attribute variant function to create a listing and forward your buyers to one exact page? Main thing is it can increase the number of consumers and customer reviews. Secondly, all points are displayed on one product page. Shoppers will not need to change pages in order to make a decision.

  1. Stay time and bounce rate

The stay time and bounce rate do affect the conversion rate. For instance, if a shopper stays on the page for a long period of time, then it will significantly boost the conversion rate and customers are likely to buy that product. So, rethink your strategy if the bounce rate is high.

In short, all of the above aspects are actually need to be considered together. It won’t work effectively if you only pay attention to one. To get a better search ranking, you must keep optimizing in all aspects and control every detail. For further consultation, contact Amazon training sessions in Pakistan that will provide you with all the guidelines and strategies.